- 这麽小小的一笔债,请你免了行吗?
Won't you forgive me such a small debt?
- 我愿替你做这件事,只消给我一点小小的报酬(50英镑)。
I will do it for you for a small consideration (of 50).
- 他所执教是一所规模很小的大学,他想摆脱存在於其中的地方主义桎梏。
He wanted to escape from the provincialism of the small university where he taught.
- 凡是有理智的人,谁都不会让那麽小的孩子独自出门。
No one in their right senses would let a small child go out alone.
- 那么小的面包不够这一大家子人吃多久的!
That small loaf won't go far among this large family!
- 我们的卧室是小的。
Our bedroom is small.
- 我们的是小的。
Ours is small.
- 我们认为她那小小的身材不能忍受那项工作。
We thought her diminutive figure could not suffer that work.