- 图书管理员告诉那个学生他该还书了。
The librarian told the student that he should return the book.
- 图书管理员从书架上随便拿了一本书。
The librarian took a book at random from the shelf.
- 那些珍贵的书籍都放在图书馆东馆的架子上。
Those rare books are shelved in the East Library.
- 不要污损图书馆的书籍。
Don't deface library books.
- 图书馆的书是按科目分类的。
The books in the library are classified by subject.
- 你从图书馆借的书上的戳记表明,这本书必须明天归还。
The stamp in your library book shows it must be returned tomorrow.
- 我要去图书馆还这些书。
I'm just going to check in these books at the library.
- 你可以在图书馆的图书目录上查找这本书。
You can look for the book in the library catalog.