- 国际世界语教师联盟; ILERA; International League of Esperantist Teachers;
- 国际世界语无线电业余爱好者联盟; ILEF; International League of Esperantist Radio Amateurs;
- 世界希伯来语教师联盟; World Union of Hebrew Teachers;
- 国际世界语学者围棋协会; ESL; International Esperantist League for Go;
- 世界语教师,可以使用这些实用,高质量的读物,及适合群体使用的练习和游戏,作为补充教材。 Esperanto teachers, who can enrich their lessons with practical, high quality readings and games suitable for group use.
- 国际世界语贵格会教徒会 Quaker Esperanto Society
- 女教师 instructress
- 国际世界语学者业余摄影师、电影摄影师和磁带录音师联盟; ILDS; International League of Esperantist Amateur Photographers, Cinephotographers and;
- 指导教师 don
- 他们打算召开一次国际博览会。 They are going to hold an international exposition.
- 大学教师 university faculty
- 纽约是个国际大都会。 New York is a very cosmopolitan city.
- 那是一个不稳定的联盟。 It was an uneasy alliance.
- 实习教师 student teacher
- 这两个党已结成联盟. The two parties have united to form a coalition.
- 现在仍不知道哪个国家主办国际网球锦标赛。 It remains unknown which country will host the international tennis tournament.
- 高级教师 senior teacher
- 在二年级时他开始学世界语,并很快就对此发生了兴趣。 He began to study Esperanto in the second year and took fire soon afterwards.
- 几个国家结成了防御联盟。 Several nations formed a defense league.
- 她的家庭教师在家里教她。 Her tutor teaches her at home.