警察一到,人群就向四面八方散开了。 When the police arrived, the crowd scattered in all directions.
方尖石碑升到一点的四面体高塔或碑石,常为尖顶和由整块石料的 A tall, four-sided shaft of stone, usually tapered and monolithic, that rises to a point.
类金字塔一种相似建筑,尤指具有带台阶的侧面和布满礼仪性房间的平顶的四面玛雅族庙宇 Any of various similar constructions, especially a four-sided Mayan temple having stepped sides and a flat top surmounted by ceremonial chambers.
子弹从四面八方打过来。 Bullets were fired from all sides.
士兵们从四面八方进逼那所防守严密的老房子。 Soldiers moved in on the well-defended old house from all sides.