- 囚犯们企图和看守做换取自由的交易。
The prisoners tried to barter with the guards for their freedom.
- 囚犯挖了一条地道逃跑了。
The prisoner escaped by digging an underground tunnel.
- 陪审团认定该囚犯无罪。
The jury found the prisoner not guilty.
- 囚犯们希望重获自由。
The prisoners wish to be free again.
- 法官把囚犯释放了。
The judge discharged the prisoner.
- 据说第一批到达这个国家的移民是囚犯。
It is said that the first settlers of this country are prisoners.
- 这些囚犯们梦想着获得自由。
Those prisoners are dreaming of liberty.