- 喀麦隆女法学家协会; CPNC; Cameroonian Association of Female Jurists;
- 非洲女法学家联合会 African Women Jurists Federation
- 她是位多才多艺、演技高超的女演员。 She is a versatile and superlative actress.
- 国际法学家世界语协会 International Esperanto Association of Jurists
- 时髦的女发型 a fashionable hairdo
- 喀麦隆民众协会指导委员会; URTNA; Union des Populations du Cameroun, Comite directeur;
- (女鞋的)细高跟 stiletto heel
- 她加入了电影协会。 She has joined the film society.
- 喀麦隆电影 Cameroon, cinema in
- 人口中男女的比例是多少? What is the proportion of men to women in the population?
- 喀麦隆历史 history of Cameroon
- 该协会拥有众多会员。 The society has a large membership.
- 女文学家 a lady of letters
- 喀麦隆蟾蜍 Bufo superciliaris [Cameroon toad]
- 国际律师、法学家和航空法专家协会; International Association of Lawyers, Jurists and Experts in Air Law;
- 在学生家中住宿的家庭女教师 a resident governess
- 你加入教师协会了吗? Have you joined the teachers' association?
- 伴奏军乐队的女指挥。 a female baton twirler who accompanies a marching band.
- 那会计盗用了协会的基金. The treasurer misappropriated the society's funds.
- 女俘 women captive