- 含糊 obscurity
- 含糊的 misty
- 那些日子他常常精神恍惚。 He often mooned about those days.
- 含糊不清 ambiguous; vague
- 他看上去有点神思恍惚。 He seemed to be in a trance.
- 含糊不清的 unclean
- 从恍惚状态中清醒过来 came out of her trance.
- 那醉汉说话含糊不清。 The drunk man slurred his words.
- 他来上课时因吸了毒而显得神智恍惚。 He came to class high on drugs.
- 她的回答毫不含糊。 Her answer was above all ambiguity.
- 使神志恍惚 To put into a trance.
- 你不该作含糊不清的承诺。 You should not make vague promises.
- 只要放松,保持平静,注意力集中于呼吸感知,保持恍惚状态。 Just relax, stay calm, focus on breath awareness, and hold the trance.
- 含糊地 vaguely
- 使受催眠似地神志恍惚 to be hypnotically entranced
- 我将毫不含糊地告诉她这不关她的事。 I shall tell her firmly that it is not any business of hers.
- 恍惚的记忆 wandering memory
- 他对这件事的解释有些含糊。 He explained it somewhat mistily.
- 精神恍惚;出神 Top fall into a trance
- 含糊不清或者晦涩的状态 A state of ambiguity or obscurity.