- 可是开关在哪儿? But where's the sitch?
- 电灯开关在哪儿? Where is the light switch?
- 3230的霍尔效应双极开关在南方极性磁场足够的强度及开关过北极性磁场足够的强度。 The A3230 Hall-effect bipolar switch turns on in a south polarity magnetic field of sufficient strength and switches off in a north polarity magnetic field of sufficient strength.
- 我想要开亮那一支电灯,请问开关在哪儿? I wish to turn on the light, where is the switch?
- 安全开关 safety switch
- 开关在任何时候都仅仅是控制着完全开和关.灯也确实是一样. The switch can only be either totally on or totally off at any given time. The same is true for the light.
- 保护开关 protection switch
- 你按错了开关。 You pressed the wrong switch.
- Q开关 Q-switching
- 电灯开关在哪里? Where is the electric switch?
- n路开关 n-way switch
- 按讲开关 press-to-talk switch
- 微型限位开关 margin microswich
- 按位开关 bit switch
- 暗线开关 recessed switch
- 扳把开关 handle switch
- 薄膜Q开关 film Q-switching
- 保险开关 safety switch
- 报警开关 alarm switch
- 爆炸开关 explosion switch