- 南大西洋无核化宣言; Declaration on the Denuclearization of the South Atlantic;
- 无 none
- 关于朝鲜半岛无核化的共同宣言; Joint Declaration on the Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula;
- 南 south
- 化 to make into
- 无法 unable
- 无标题 no title
- 非洲一条主河流,世界最长的河流之一;流经扎伊尔,汇入南大西洋。 a major African river (one of the world's longest); flows through Zaire into the South Atlantic.
- 最小化 minimum
- “尽早无核化”的标题又出现在各报纸的头版来赞颂本周的共同声明。 “ Early denuclearisation” was restated as a headline goal in this week's accord.
- 在南大西洋卫星反演的地面温度锋和叶绿素之间的相关关系 On the relationship between satellite-retrieved surface temperature fronts and chlorophyll a in the western South Atlantic
- 南大西洋海流 South Atlantic Current
- 在朝鲜核问题方面,切尼说六方会谈成员应该密切合作,尽最大努力实现朝鲜半岛无核化。 On the Korean nuclear issue, Cheney said members to the six-party talks should cooperate closely and try their best to realizethe goal of building a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula.
- 产于北美洲南大西洋沿岸的真鲷。 porgy of southern Atlantic coastal waters of North America.
- 无核 non-nuclear
- 南大西洋磁异常 south Atlantic magnetic anomaly
- 聚核化 focus
- 南大西洋异常区 SAA
- 无核小葡萄干一种产于地中海地区的无核小葡萄干,主要用来晒干 A small, seedless raisin of the Mediterranean region, used chiefly in baking.
- 归核化 refocusing