- 这种产品因其卓越的品质常常在许多地区卖到断货。 By virtue of its super quality, this product is often sold out in many areas.
- 卖断 outright sale
- 卖断交易 outright sell
- 货 money
- 卖 to sell
- 出货 shipment
- 负责门店的库存的掌控(数量和质量,以及库存登记)及相关库存报表,防止货品积压与断货; Be fully responsible for stock control (quality and quantity, inventory registration) and related report, prevent both overstock and understock.
- 房屋卖断契,立卖断契,立卖断人,不得反悔或节外生枝。 Housing outright sale contract, issue outright sale contract, adopt outright seller, no estoppel or othercomplication is allowed.
- 卖出 average
- 货到付款 cash on delivery (COD)
- 收货人 consignee
- 23地不可永远卖断,因为地是我的;你们在我面前是客旅,是寄居的。 And the land shall not be sold in perpetuity, because the land is Mine; for with Me you are strangers and sojourners.
- 备货 stock up
- 外卖 take-out
- 到货 arrival
- 断线 wire break
- 热卖 sell fast
- 货号 article No.
- 挂断电话 buzz off
- 卖掉 surplus