- 制止利用儿童兵联盟; Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers;
- 论征募儿童兵作为战争罪 On Recruiting the Children Soldiers as War Crime
- 兵 military
- 儿童兵复员问题联合工作队; IANSA; Joint task force for demobilization of child combatants;
- 制止 to curb
- 儿童兵复员与保护人权论坛; IIPT; Forum on the Demobilization of Child Soldiers and the Protection of Human Rights;
- 雇佣兵 lansquenet
- 这些国家结成联盟来制止战争。 The nations leagued together to stop the war.
- 我们可以利用原子核裂变发电。 We can generate electric power by splitting atoms.
- 秘书长儿童和武装冲突问题特别代表,是约30万儿童兵的主要代言人。 The Secretary-General's Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict is the main advocate for the estimated 300,000 child soldiers.
- 她利用零碎时间编织。 She knits at odd moments.
- 我们必须制止这场殴斗。 We must put a stop to the fight.
- 那是一个不稳定的联盟。 It was an uneasy alliance.
- 儿童心理学 kidology
- 我们必须充分利用这块宝地。 We must turn this precious plot to good account.
- 这两个党已结成联盟. The two parties have united to form a coalition.
- 5岁以下的许多儿童都上幼儿园。 Many children under 5 go to nursery school.
- 制止新闻报道! Hold the presses!
- 你应该利用这机会到国外去。 You should exploit this opportunity to go abroad.
- 草木皆兵 be in a state of extreme nervousness