- 刮跌风的证券交易市场. :a bearish market
- 他们已经考虑到股票市场跌风的影响而事先作出估算。 They have discounted the effect of a decline in the stock market.
- 生活中有一条非常可靠的规则,即好货不便宜。证券交易市场中并非全是错过赚大钱机会的傻瓜。 It is a pretty safe rule in life that bargains are rare,and not everyone else in the market is an idiot who has missed the greatest opportunity.
- (道德方面)促进,提高,社会进步提高社会,道德和智力标准的努力或运动 An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.
- "一整天来风都刮得很厉害,但到傍晚时有所减弱了。" "The wind was strong all day, but it moderated in the evening."
- "调查行动突如其来," 一个[证券]经纪人的律师说。 "大家都一点也不知情。" "The investigation came right out of the blue, " said an attorney representing one trader. "No on knew anything about it."
- 运输交易市场 freight market
- 可转让的证券. negotiable securities
- 阿拉伯风的 arabesque
- "... 我要用利剑一样的话刺痛她的心,但决不是真用利剑 ... " "... I will speak daggers to her, but use none ... " (Shakespeare, Hamlet)
- 利息四厘的证券 the four percentums
- 可转让选择权交易市场 negotiable option market
- "Harmsworth先生," 我用微弱的声音说。 "别打断我的说。" 他说。 "Mr Harmsworth, " I said in a weak voice, "Don't interrupt, " he said.
- 可控循环风的发展与研究现状 Development and Status of Controlled Circulation Ventilation
- 风窗刮水器 windscreen wiper
- "投资证券组合,指作长期投资的证券组合。参见 trading portfolio" investment portfolio: Portfolio of longer-term investments.
- 以代办股份转让市场为基础发展场外交易市场 Development of Chinese OTC Market Based on PT Sector
- 连我买的绩优股都面临大跌的命运,目前为止我已经赔了四万八千元。 Even the blue chip stocks I purchased are in a tailspin. So far I've already lost NT%2448000.
- 从唱和活动看云间词风的形成 Observing the Formation of Poetic Style from the Responsory Activity of the Verse
- (瓦工的)镘用以刮光模子中泥土、沙粒或灰泥的表面的铲型工具 A trowel-shaped tool for smoothing the surface of clay, sand, or plaster in a mold.