- 军队被迫连续轰击; troops being pounded with mortar fire;
- 他们听见枪炮整夜连续轰击。 They heard the guns blasting away all night.
- 向敌人阵地连续轰击 Hammer away at the enemy positions
- 马格努斯的军队被迫逐步撤回防守圈。 Magnus's army was gradually pushed back into a defensive circle.
- 我们的大炮一直在向敌人的阵地连续轰击。 Our big guns have been hammering away at the enemy positions
- 一种隶属的象征,如两根直立长矛加另一横矛穿在他们中组成的结构,古罗马被征服军队被迫进行臣服 any of various emblems of subjugation,such as a structure made of two upright spears with a third laid across them,under which conquered enemies of ancient Rome were forced to march in subjection
- 军队表现出极大的英勇。 The troops showed great valor.
- 卡车被迫改道而行。 The trucks were forced to divert to another road.
- 将军派更多的军队增援要塞。 The general reinforced the fort with more troops.
- 他被迫以低价将土地出售。 He was forced to sell off his land.
- 军队进一步加强了攻势。 The army redoubled its attack.
- 懦夫是军队的耻辱。 A coward is a reproach to an army.
- 她已连续四年获得一等奖。 She has been awarded first prize four years in succession.
- 两支军队同意停火。 The two armies agreed to a truce.
- 协从;被迫参与 take part under compulsion
- 敌人在我们的重炮轰击下撤退了。 The enemy retreated under our heavy artillery fire.
- 他连续三次上学迟到。 He was late for school three times in succession.
- 这支军队恢复了士气和战斗力。 The army recovered its morale and fighting power.
- 懒汉被迫干活。 The idle are forced to work.
- 重炮轰击造成了很大损失。 Heavy artillery fire caused great losses.