- 他不是军官而是普通士兵。
He's not an officer, but a common soldier.
- 当军官的应懂得怎样统率士兵
An officer must know how to handle his men.
- 他似乎比较像一个军官,而不像一个商业行政主管。
He seems more like a military officer than a business executive.
- 那位海军军官让他离开基地。
The naval officer asked him to stay away from the base.
- 这个年轻军官被提升为上尉。
The young army officer was promoted to the rank of captain.
- 这名军官的肩上佩戴着肩带。
The officer wears sashes on his shoulders.
- 一个军官作出如此胆怯的行为使整个团都蒙受羞辱。
Such an act of cowardice by an officer shames his whole regiment.
- 该上尉被控煽动军官叛变。
The captain was accused of inciting other officers to mutiny.