根据电脑业报导,苏联为了在设计强力新型电脑上赶上西方所实行的紧急计划,已开始收效,可是俄国人仍远远落后。 A Soviet crash program to catch up with the West in designing powerful new computers is beginning to pay off, but the Russians still lag far behind, according to industry reports.
(我说:“仅在前两天俄国人发表消息说,他们在北极圈内某个地方发现了数个巨大的钻石矿区。”) I said: "Only the other day the Russians put out that they have discovered huge new diamond fields somewhere inside the Arctic Circle."
她认为那个俄国人会得第一。 She thinks the Russian is going to win.
美国人和俄国人已经向太空发射了许多枚火箭。 The Americans and Russians have launched many rockets into space.