- 我的英文作业中只有两三处错误。
I had no more than 2 or 3 mistakes on my English assignment.
- 老师给小学生布置了假期作业。
The teacher gave the children holiday tasks.
- 整个作业的安全让一个粗心大意的人给破坏了。
The security of the whole operation has been jeopardized by one careless person.
- 你做完家庭作业了吗?
Have you finished your homework?
- 她应该自己做作业。
She should do her homework herself.
- 这女孩只做完了一半作业。
The girl left her homework half done.
- 小男孩慢吞吞地做作业。
The boy does his work at a snail's pace.
- 老师正在评定学生的作业。
The teacher is appraising the students' work.