- 他在黎明前到达了山顶。 Reached the crest of the hill before dawn.
- 在一个晴朗的秋天早晨,他们到达了他这个新任所的界内,停在那里默想着那地方的幽美。 It was a fine, clear, autumn morning, when they came upon the scene of his promotion, and stopped to contemplate its beauties.
- 他们爬山上了山顶,以便更清楚地看到这个城市的景色。 They climbed to the top of the hill so that they could get stuck in the traffic.
- 他们到达了旅程的终点。 They reached the goal of their journey.
- 他们到达了西班牙。 They arrived in Spain.
- 到达 to reach
- 落日的余辉染红了山顶。 The setting sun flushed the mountain tops.
- 攀登马塔角是如此之慢,以至于结束攀登时我们睡在了山顶的紧下方。 That ascent of the Matterhorn was so slow we ended by sleeping just below the summit.
- 他们到达了伦敦。 They reached London.
- 好孩子,你已经到了山顶! Dear daughter, you have got to the mountaintop!
- 他们到达了山顶. They have reached the peak of the mountain.
- 人太多了,当他们到达障碍物时,示威组织者都无法控制他们。 The crowd was so great that the organizers of the demonstration could not keep them back when they reached the barriers.
- 在他们到达机场时,向他们献了花。 They were presented with flowers on arrival at the airport.
- 他的电报可能意味着他快要到达了。 His telegragram may purport his forthcoming arrival.
- 当他们到达舞会会场时,我们给他们每人一杯水果饮料。 Let's give everyone a fruit punch when they arrive at the party.
- 我们终于到达了山顶附近的岩石。 We finally got at a ledge of rock near the summit of the mountain.
- 你坐5路汽车到火车站,然后换乘543路汽车,你就可以到达了 "You 'll have to take a No. 5 bus to the station , and change buses there to a 543 bus which will take you right there . "
- 他们到达的第二天,就因为一场暴风雨而被迫呆在旅馆里。 On the following day after their arrival, they were forced to stay at the hotel by a storm.
- 我们到达了山顶。 We won the mountain top.
- 在他们到达那个村庄之前,天已经黑下来了。 Darkness set in before they reached the village.