- “可是,罗娜怎么样哪?”我问道。“罗娜吗?她身体好极了,好得不能再好了。” "But how was Rona?" I asked. "Oh,Rona-oh,as fine as silk. Couldn't be better."
- 父母死了,孩子们会怎么样哪? What will become of the children now that he parents are dead?
- 哪几个 which
- 我很担心罗娜,她胃口不好都一个星期了。 I'm worried about Rona. She's been off her oats for a week now.
- 哪天 when;
- 肯特送给罗娜相思草 Kent gave Rona "forget-me-not".
- 哪家 which
- 教导人们要守规矩他可是在行得很,他本该干牧师这一行。 He ought to have been a parson, so good is he at moralizing on the right way for people to behave.
- 罗娜小姐回来时,请你问问她。 Ask her when Miss Rona comes back.
- 去散散步怎么样? How about going for a walk?
- 要说到写书他可是行家里手。 He's no slouch when it comes to writing books.
- 哪吒 Nezha [a divine warrior in Chinese mythology]
- 罗娜上星期天在服装店大发脾气 Rona had a fit at the clothing store last Sunday.
- 后来怎么样? What happened afterwards?
- 他瞄准那只鸟射击,可是没打中。 He aimed at the bird but missed.
- 罗娜上星期天在服装店大发脾气。 Rona had a fit at the clothing storelast Sunday.
- 我的天哪! Bless me!
- 晴天以后天气会怎么样? What will it be after the clear weather?
- 哪款 which kind of
- 他的诗作并不怎么样。 His poems are quite ordinary.