- I suppose you have been in our woods, haven't you? 我推想你在我们的森林里待过,不是吗?
- I expect you have been to Europe. 我想您去过欧洲吧。
- You have been like a father to me. 你一直像父亲一样待我。
- This serves to show how foolish you have been. 这足以说明你有多蠢。
- You have been very remiss in fulfilling your obligations. 你一向太不负责了。
- I hop you will take to heart the warning you have been given. 我希望你能认真考虑人家给你的告诫。
- I may say in all sincerity that you have been my most loyal friend. 我可以非常真诚地说,你一直是我最忠实的朋友。
- I regret to say you have been misinformed (about that). 很遗憾,(关於那事)你听到的情况不确。
- It has come to my notice that you have been stealing. 我察觉到了你经常偷窃。
- I am very sorry to learn that you have been ill for some time. 听说您最近身体欠佳,心里很不安。
- The information you have got has been cut down to the bone. 你所得到的这个信息是已经经过压缩整理的。
- You have been the veterans of creative suffering. 你们饱经风霜,历尽苦难。
- It would not hurt if you have been prepared. 早做准备没有坏处。
- She is dying to know where you have been . 她渴望知道你到哪里去了。
- Take it easy. You have been making great progress. 别担心,你一直在进步。
- Have you found the book you have been looking for? 你找的书找着了吗?
- Here is the man you have been looking for. 这是你一直在找的那个人。
- You have been worse from day to day. 你的情形每下愈况。
- I rejoice to hear that you have been reconciled. 听到你们和解,我很高兴。
- My friends tell me that you have been unwell . 我的朋友们告诉我说你近来身体欠安。