So, it has most important significance to research the motions and the stabilizing fin of the SWATH ship. 加强对小水线面双体船纵向运动和稳定性的研究,具有重要而深远的影响。
In the paper the three-dimensional source distribution method is applied to solve the nonlinear hydrodynamic forces on the trimaran ship advancing in waves. 中文摘要本文利用三维源点分布法,来求解三体船在波浪中前进时的非线性流体动力。
Finally, this method is successfully applied to the maneuverability optimization computation of a special kind of ship, and the outcome is satisfactory. 最后,成功地将该算法用于某型船的操纵性能优化计算之中,结果令人满意。