- This by-path is wide enough for a truck to get by. 这条小路的宽度足够让一辆卡车开过去。
- Her old pension gives her barely enough to get by. 她的养老金仅够她过日子。
- The road is too narrow for cars to get by. 由于道路狭窄,汽车无法通过。
- We'll have to get by with one car. 我们不得不靠一辆小汽车勉强对付过活。
- The only thing to do is to get by on style. 只要体体面面混得过去那就行了。
- It's hard for her to get by on this little salary. 对她来说,靠着这点很少的工资勉强度日十分艰难。
- It's hard to get by just upon a smile. 只凭一相情愿是很难立足。
- He has made up his mind to get off the passage by heart. 他决心把这段文章背下来。
- Are you able to get by on the salary you make? 你赚的薪水够你开销吗?
- I don't know how to get by if I lose this job. 我不知道要是失去了这工作该怎么办。
- B: I'm able to get by, but it could be better. 我的生活还过得去,不过还可以更好。
- No one is able to get by without oxygen. 没有氧气人不能维持生命。
- Most of the earth's inhabitants work to get by. 在这个世界上,绝大多数人工作是为了度日。
- I just manage to get by from day to day. 我是混一天算一天。
- Nothing will do better than adorning by heart to get more pulchritude in vision. Apparel is a solitary art to change your mood. 没有什么比用心装饰,能成就视觉更多的美好。衣服,是独一无二的改变心情的艺术。
- They drifted on the lake,fishing and catching shrimp to get by. 他们漂泊湖上,以打鱼捕虾为生。
- Please stand on one side,we need a lot of room to get by. 请靠一边站,我们得要很大的地方才能过去。
- Please stand to one side,we need a lot of room to get by. 请往一边站,我们得要好大的地方才能过去。
- The spy used a clever subterfuge to get by the guard. 那个间谍用非常巧妙的托词躲过了警卫的检查。
- They drifted on the lake, fishing and catching shrimp to get by. 他们漂泊湖上,以打鱼捕虾为生。