- He has to stoop to get through the tunnel. 他得弯下腰走过地道。
- I had to stoop to the child's height to hear what he was saying. 我得把腰弯到孩子的高度来听他说话。
- He is too lofty to stoop to vulgar intrigue. 他的清高使他还不至于屈就卑俗的勾当。
- He can break a camel' s back with one wave of his wings. 英勇的猛禽正凌空而下,它能一膀子拍断公骆驼的腰;
- He had to stoop to go through the door. 他必须俯身才能通过那道门。
- He tends to stoop because he's so tall. 他个子太高了,所以时常弓着背。
- She would have scorned to stoop to such tactics. 她就不会下作到使用那样的伎俩。
- The doorway was so low that he had to stoop. 门廊很矮,他低下头才过去。
- It degrades to stoop--it is glorious to look up. 卑躬屈膝是卑鄙的,--敢于趾高气扬才是光荣。
- She put the saddle on the horse' s back. 她把马鞍放在马背上。
- He's beginning to stoop with age. 他年事渐高,背也开始驼了。
- He is binding a burden on the camel 's back. 他在将重物往骆驼的背上捆绑。
- I refuse to stoop to such bullying tactics. 我拒绝下作到使用这种霸道手段。
- Ursula caught the Arab’s back collar. 她立即全力追赶阿拉伯人。
- to stoop one's back 弯腰
- He' s beginning to stoop with age, ie as he gets older. 他年事渐高; 背也开始变驼了.
- One owner reported that her Munchkin likes to hide and then leap out on her dog’s back and manages to hang on while the dog races round the room! 有个主人说他们的曼赤肯猫喜欢跳到狗的背上,并且骑著狗儿在家里跑来跑去?
- I shall never permit myself to stoop so low as to hate any man. 我永远不允许自己降低身分去怀恨任何人。
- She' s back to her former self again, eg after an illness. 她又恢复了以前的样子(如病後).
- SHG laughed at the camera and hid her face behind KSW's back. 宋慧乔坐在金承佑旁边,正戴着耳机听音乐。