- The last one mile is all uphill. 最后一英里全是上坡路。
- This chapter takes up where the last one left off. 本章接续上一章谈到的内容。
- If was the last one they had and they sold it me at a knockdown price. 这是他们手中的最后一个,他们以低价卖给了我。
- He answered all the questions except the last one. 你回答了所有的问题,最后一题除外。
- The talk I look forward to is the last one. 我盼望的这一次谈话是最后一次谈话。
- We smoked the last one an hour ago. 我们已经一个小时没抽了。
- The first one must be the last one! 无爱无性;真爱第一
- He was the last one to leave school yesterday. 昨天他是最后一个离开教室的。
- She is the last one to leave school every day. 每天,她是最后一个离开学校的人。
- The last one is the Zoological section. 最后是动物厅。
- This book is nothing to the last one she wrote. 这本书不如她上次写的那本。
- Mostly, I remember the last one. 最后的一天我记得最清楚。
- When the last one falls, I must die, too. 当最后一叶掉落时,我一定也会死去。
- It was the last one on the vine. 它是长春藤上最后的一片叶子了。
- I rushed to see the last one, ah, henna open ! 我急忙跑过去一看,啊,指甲花开啦!
- The last one leaves, representing happiness. 最后的一片叶子,代表着幸福。
- Yamamoto:Sorry,sir.It's the last one. 先生;对不起;那是最后一棵了.
- She is always the last one to arrive to class. 她总是最后一个到班级的人。
- All right then, this is the last one. 那好吧,这是最后一支。
- This summer is as hot as the last one . 今年夏季与去年夏季一样热。