- I've been toying with the idea of moving abroad. 我一直胡乱想着移居国外好不好。
- The idea of accepting a bribe is repugnant to me. 我一想到受贿这种事就非常反感。
- He waved away the idea of more talk. 他挥挥手表示不愿再谈下去了。
- The idea of accepting a bribe was repugnant to me. 我一想到受贿这种事就非常反感。
- The idea of eating raw shellfish nauseates me. 我一想到吃生贝就恶心。
- The idea of all that sob-stuff was to get me to lend her money. 她说那番伤心话的意思是为了让我借给她钱。
- The idea of writing a novel slowly grew at the back of his mind. 写小说的想法慢慢地在他脑子里形成了。
- She has a deep repugnance to the idea of accepting charity. 她认为接受救济的想法是要不得的。
- Using the idea of function quality deployment for reference, the weightiness score of sub-function from the customer needs is obtained by associating the need scores with sub-functions. 基于功能质量配置的思想,通过匹配用户需求评价与产品子功能来获得反映用户需求的产品子功能重要性评价,将子性能评价聚合等级作为量化指标纳入与子功能名称相一致的性能描述构架维坐标,实现子功能因素空间状态的确定;
- He took up with fine art [the idea of becoming a musician]. 他爱上了艺术[想成为一个音乐家]。
- I'm flirting with the idea of getting a job in China. 我胡思乱想著要到中国去工作。
- The idea of the game is to get all your pieces to the other side of the board. 这个游戏的目标是要把所有的棋子全走到棋盘的另一边。
- The idea of redness is an abstraction. 红色概念是一种抽象概念。
- Paradoxically, that clash of views suggests that Dr Bowles and DrWilson really are on to something with the idea of functional morality. 似是而非的是,这种观点的碰撞正好说明了威尔森博士和威尔森博士在道德功能上的一些事情。
- She dismissed the idea of going to Paris. 她打消了去巴黎的念头。
- He toyed with the idea of writing a play. 他想写个剧本玩玩儿。
- The idea of doing that is repellent to him. 一想到做那种事他就恶心。
- The ideas of Marxism-Leninism point the way to victory. 马克思列宁主义思想指引着通向胜利的道路。
- I'm toying with the idea of buying a car. 我并不很认真地考虑要不要买一部汽车。
- The idea of going to the party left her cold. 她对去参加晚会这个意见没有什么兴趣。