- Had he put on suit earlier, he would have not been refused to enter the canton Fair in the Autumn of 1988. 如果他能早点穿上西装,在1988年的秋天,他也就不会被“中国出口商品交易会”拒之门外了。
- Take responsible for the offer from alibaba.com and arrange to take part in the canton fair and HongKong Houseware. 负责报价,跟进阿里巴巴的询盘。以及安排参加广交会与香港展会。
- Article 4 Illegally transferring or subleasing (reselling) of booth shall be strictly prohibited in the Canton Fair. 第四条广交会严禁违规转让或转租(卖)展位。
- I had attend the Canton Fair and visited your stall, which inturn interested me a lot. 我去了广州的展览,并且去了你的展位,很吸引我。
- Indian exporters are participating the 105th Session of the Canton Fair to be held from April 15th to 19th, 2009 at Guangzhou, China. 印度出口商人们正在参加2009年4月15-19日在中国广州召开的第105届广交会。
- To conclude, I wish China Brand Show 2009 &the Press Conference of the 106th Session of the Canton Fair a complete success. Thank you. 最后,预祝本届“2009’中国品牌商品美国展暨考试大论坛第106届广交会推介会”取得圆满成功。谢谢大家。
- I think it has worked out fine. There have not been many Europeans, yes, but we think they've come when the Canton Fair stops. So... that's ok. 访客:我觉得这边一切都运作得非常不错。目前来讲欧洲客商不多,但是我想他们主要是广交会结束后过来的。
- The following dialogue is between a buyer and a staff in the Canton Fair at the Yue Xiu Gong Yuan metro station near CIEF(Liuhua) Complex. 以下是一位采购商在流花路展馆附近的越秀公园地铁站与一位广交会工作人员的对话。
- Gao spoke at the opening of the Canton Fair in southern China, which attracts thousands of overseas buyers to place orders for goods from stereo speakers to shingles. 高先生是在广交会开幕时说这番话的,广交会吸引成千国外买家前来采购,货品从立体声喇叭到各式小玩意。
- The Canton Fair will undergo a major upgrade and realign its component sections while providing enhanced services in autumn in a new world-class facility, senior officials said last Friday. 广交会将进行重要升级,对下属机构进行分解和重组,准备以世界一流的全新设施来提升服务质量。
- Canton Fair is famous all around the world. 广交会闻名全世界。
- We will come to canton fair this April. 今年四月我们将参加广交会。
- Good morning! Welcome to Canton Fair! 早上好!欢迎你来到广交会!
- Canton Fair is the showcase of China's opening up. 广交会是中国对外开放的缩影。
- Some days ago, it just happed in the trade hall of canton fair. 在几天前的广州交易会上,在交易会的大厅。
- we will attend the Canton Fair on 15th, April. Weclome to visit our booth when you are convenient. “我们将与4月15日去广州参加广交会,如您有时间,欢迎前往参观”。
- I attended Canton Fair as seller for three times and Shanghai Fair once. 以卖家的身份参加过三次广交会和上海电子展.
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- The expansion of the canton has endanger the wildlife animals. 市区的伸展危及到野生动物.
- the Canton Fair 广交会