a level shelf of land interrupting a declivity (with steep slopes above and below)
a row of houses built in a similar style and having common dividing walls (or the street on which they face)
动词 terrace:
provide (a house) with a terrace
make into terraces as for cultivation
用作名词 (n.)
Therefore, the most important criteria for correlating terraces are usually the height of terrace scarps and their trend along river valleys. 因此,阶地的对比经常仅用阶地面与现河床的高差,及其沿著河谷的变化趋势。
Floor-to-ceiling windows frame views of the bay and Cretan mountains from private balconies or terraces. 透过私人阳台的巨大落地窗可以看到海湾和克里特山脉的景色。
The splaying stack of slabs creates big terraces for gardening and the irregular shape allows sun to enter from multiple angles. 向外伸展的平台创造了花园似阳台,不规则的形状则允许阳光从不同角度射入室内。