- He read a paper on the teaching of English. 他买了一张报纸。
- Outline the main teaching of Jesus. 概述耶稣的主要教导内容。
- Buddha came here to teach of balance and no fear. 佛陀来这里教导平衡和没有恐惧。
- teaching of biography 传记教学
- What can teaching thinking do with teaching of Chinese language? 思考教学在华文教学中有怎样的功能呢?
- The teaching of history should not be limited to dates and figures. 教授历史不应该局限于讲年代和人物。
- He cites as an example the teaching of the laws of motion in physics, which he says are accessible at an early age when a computer is used to assist in the instruction. 他援引教授物理学方面的一些运动定律为例,说明当计算机用于辅助教学时,学生在幼年就能够理解这些定律。
- The Christian religion, founded on the life and teachings of Jesus. 基督教基督教,建立在耶稣的生活和教诲上
- I am once again inspired by your teaching of "Fa Pu Ti Hsin". 我又再度从您发菩提心的教导中得到启示。
- The teaching of Er Hua is one of the difficult points in TCSL. 摘要儿化教学是对外汉语教学的难点之一。
- His ideas are based on the teachings of Buddha. 他的思想是以佛祖的教义为基础的。
- The teachings of Confucius tell us to be humble. 孔子教导我们要谦虚。
- An adherent of the teachings of Confucius. 孔子的门徒孔子儒教的追随者
- You must follow the teachings of your teachers. 你们必须听从老师们的教导。
- They followed the teachings of Buddha. 他们信佛教。
- And the teachings of Tibetan masters. 以及西藏大师的教导连接起来。
- Not legislate for the Education of Biography, Zhizhirenxin, see of the Buddha, that is, heart Jifo! 不立文字,教外别传,直指人心,见性成佛,即心即佛。
- Wise teachings of the ancient sages. 古训古代智者明智的教育
- He attempted to break through the bounds of biography and take advantage of other patterns to create a new history. 他力图突破纪传体的束缚,融合吸收其他史体之长处,创造出一种全新的史体。
- How is God viewed in the teachings of Sant Mat? 明师之路的教理中是如何看待上帝的?