- The suppression of the revolt took a mere two days. 镇压叛乱只用了两天时间。
- I do not want to be in the boss line of fire today. 今天我不想遭到老板的非难。
- Press this button in case of fire. 遇火灾时按下此钮。
- His speech was full of fire and fury. 他的讲话充满愤懑之情。
- The fire-alarm is giving warning of fire. 报警器正发出火警警报。
- The boy is full of fire and courage. 这男孩充满激情和勇气。
- There are plenty of fire hoses in the building. 这幢建筑物中有许多消防软管。
- He bore a part in the suppression of opium-smoking. 他参与禁烟(禁抽鸦片的)运动。
- Do you know horses are afraid of fire? 你知道马怕火吗?
- We are always mindful of the danger of fire. 我们时刻都很注意火灾的危险。
- The suppression of a bodily discharge or secretion. 对身体排泄或分泌的抑制
- My elder sister has a terror of fire. 我姐姐怕火。
- The suppression of the revolt take a mere two days. 镇压叛乱只用了两天时间。
- In case of fire, ring the alarm bell. 如遇失火,请按警铃。
- The suppression of the revolt take a mere two day. 镇压叛乱只用了两天时间。
- The god of fire and metalworking. 伍尔坎火与锻冶之神
- Suppression of label texts in the controls window. 在控件窗口中禁用标签文本。
- Forcible suppression of Aboriginal culture. 六.;剥夺原住民族文化权的暴力。
- Intense heat or glow, as of fire. 灼光强烈的热度或光芒,如火(一般)
- The failure, cessation, or suppression of ovulation. 排卵停止排卵失败,中止或抑制