textual matter that is added onto a publication; usually at the end
a quantity added (e.g. to make up for a deficiency)
a supplementary component that improves capability
动词 supplement:
add as a supplement to what seems insufficient
serve as a supplement to
add to the very end
用作名词 (n.)
The Air Force isn't the only branch of the military experimenting with protein supplements. 空军并不是军方着手试验蛋白质补充物的唯一部队。
You won't find any magic workouts, miracle diet supplements, or all-purpose periodization schemes. 你找不到一种魔术般地训练方法,奇迹般的饮食补充物或者全方位周期计划。
Originally, ghostwriting was confined to medical journal supplements sponsored by the industry, but it can now be found in all the major journals in relevant fields. 最初,代写文章的现象只出现在那些由企业赞助的医学杂志增刊上,但是现在所有相关领域的主要杂志上都可以发现这种现象。
Its success has won a new readership for economists, beyond the business section and the opinion columns, in the glossier pages of the weekend supplements. 它的成功,为经济学家在商业板块与意见专栏之外的版面更加活泼多彩的周末增刊里,赢得了一个新的读者群体。