No one expects the LDP coalition to keep its supermajority, but it has a chance of retaining a slim majority. 没有人指望自民党势力继续保持绝大多数的占有率,但要保持略微占有大多数的水平还是有希望的。
The new Congress is attempting to reverse that decision, though whether it can muster the necessary supermajority is moot. 新一届国会正试图推翻这个决定,尽管能否召集必须的压倒多数还有待论证。
In day-to-day Wikipedia practice, e.g. on VfD, consensus means something closer to supermajority, usually a two-thirds majority. 在维基百科日常的实践当中,如删除投票和请求,共识和绝对多数的含义更接近一些,通常要获得三分之二的多数。
California is also one of only three states that need a two-thirds supermajority to pass a budget or raise taxes, a virtual impossibility in its ultra-partisan legislature. 加州是美国仅有的三个要求三分之二绝对多数通过预算或增税的州其中之一,而在加州超党派立法制度下这事实上是无法实现的。