- tobacco leaf and stem cutting machine 切丝切梗机
- stem cutting machine 切梗机
- Buying Automatic Paper Cup Rotary Die Cutting Machine. 澳大利亚求购自动切纸机。
- Boss must have been reincarnated from an paper cutting machine. 老板这辈子一定是碎纸机投胎。
- Studies on the hard stem cutting propagation technique of Robinia pseudoacacia L. 四倍体刺槐硬枝扦插技术研究。
- Growth Regulator Effects on Adventitious Root Formation in Stem Cutting of Fontanesia fortunei Carr. 生长调节剂对雪柳嫩枝扦插效果的影响。
- Another way to propagate Roridula is through stem cuttings. 另外一种繁殖捕虫树的方式是枝插法。
- CAD/CAE faces the cutter design of 9LRZ-80 rubbing and cutting machine. 将CAD/CAE应用于9LRZ-80秸秆揉切机切碎器的设计。
- Title: Growth Regulator Effects on Adventitious Root Formation in Stem Cutting of Fontanesia fortunei Carr. 关键词:雪柳;1年生枝条;生长调节剂;扦插效果
- It is an accessory connecting the cutting torch and the flame cutting machine. 机用朝炬夹持静是建接机用割炬与火焰切村机的附件。
- GILDEMEISTER is the leading manufacturer worldwide of cutting machine tools. 一、公司简介吉特迈集团是全球领先的切削机床制造商。
- The study describes the scope of clonal propagation of guava (Psidium guajava Linn.) by stem cutting collected from mature stockplants. 摘要本文利用母株上的茎段进行番石榴的无性繁殖。
- Cutting machines cut big pieces of metal into small pieces. 切割机器把大金属块切割成小金属块。
- When coupled to the high precision cutting machines, extremely. 机一起使用,极好的小孔切割质量是可以达到的。
- A client from Israel needs cutting machines to cut metals. 以色列客户求购切割机,用来切割金属。
- The experiment showed that Delphinium' Schloss Wilhelmschohe'can be propagated by stem cuttings. 美丽翠雀 (Delphinium‘SchlossWilhelmschohe’)可在春、夏季用茎枝进行扦插繁殖。
- Propagation: Hoya carnosa can be propagated at anytime by air layering or by stem cuttings. 繁育:多肉球兰一年四季都可通过空中压条或枝条扦插繁育。
- Simple paper feed can be sealed directly, saving the cost of a cutting machine and related costs. 单页纸可直接封装,省去了切割机及相关费用,工序简单,效率高。