- Gets the number of frames in the stack trace. 获取堆栈跟踪中的帧数。
- A string containing stack trace information. 包含堆栈跟踪信息的字符串。
- Displays a stack trace for the current thread. 显示当前线程的堆栈跟踪。
- Representing the function calls in the stack trace. 类型的数组,表示堆栈跟踪中的函数调用。
- Returns a string representation of this stack trace element. 返回当前堆栈跟踪元素的字符串形式。
- The object to be compared with this stack trace element. 要同当前堆栈跟踪元素比较的对象。
- Look at the stack trace for the thread that has activated this MDA. 查看堆栈跟踪以确定激活此MDA的线程。
- Event, the runtime dumps a stack trace and ends the program. 事件的侦听器,则运行库转储堆栈跟踪并结束程序。
- Ifanerroroccurs, prints the error code and a stack trace. ·如果出现错误,则输出错误代码和堆栈跟踪。
- Method to obtain a specific stack frame in a stack trace. 方法可获取堆栈跟踪中的特定堆栈帧。
- Contact Microsoft Product Support Services with the Stack Trace for the event. 有关事件的堆栈跟踪,请与Microsoft产品支持服务联系。
- Containing the execution point represented by this stack trace element. 包含当前堆栈跟踪元素表示的执行点的类的全名。
- The resulting stack trace describes the stack at the time of the exception. 所产生的堆栈跟踪描述了异常发生时的堆栈。
- This page can be a friendly error message rather than a stack trace. 此页面可以是一个友好的错误消息,而不是堆栈跟踪。
- Stack traces are not available for all errors. 不是所有错误都有堆栈跟踪。
- The name of the method containing the execution point represented by this stack trace element. 包含当前堆栈跟踪元素表示的执行点的方法名。
- A stack trace is essentially a listing of where in the program a problem occurred. 堆栈跟踪实质上是一份列表,其中列出了在程序的哪个位置发生了问题。
- Emits or displays a message and a stack trace for an assertion that always fails. 为总是失败的断言发出或显示消息和堆栈跟踪。
- Emits or displays detailed messages and a stack trace for an assertion that always fails. 为总是失败的断言发出或显示详细消息和堆栈跟踪。
- Prints the composite message and the embedded stack trace to the specified stream ps. 向指定流ps输出合成信息和所含堆栈信息。