- Signalized intersection is the connection of the urban roads and the traffic conflict area in urban city. 摘要 城市平面信号交叉口是城市道路的交汇点,也是交通车辆运行冲突集中的地区。
- Mixed traffic is the main characteristic of large cities in China,especially at signalized intersection. 混合交通是我国城市交通的主要特征;特别是在平面信号交叉口.
- Mixed traffic is the main characteristic of large cities in China, especially at signalized intersection. 摘要 混合交通是我国城市交通的主要特征,特别是在平面信号交叉口。
- Accurate real-time delay model of signalized intersection is one of the cornel models of real-time traffic control system. 信号控制交叉口实时延误计算模型是实时自适应交通控制系统核心模型之一。
- Abstract: Accurate real-time delay model of signalized intersection is one of the cornel models of real-time traffic control system. 摘要:信号控制交叉口实时延误计算模型是实时自适应交通控制系统核心模型之一。
- Abstract: here are many methods of computing the capacity of signalized intersection in the road networks,which are fit for different conditions. 摘 要: 目前计算城市交通网络信号控制交叉口通行能力的方法很多,适用范围各有不同。
- This paper outlines an intelligent concept for providing conditional priority to BRT vehicles at a signalized intersection according to their headways. 以车头时距为约束条件,提出在信号控制平面交叉口给予BRT车辆有条件信号优先。
- The bicycle following behavior was described firstly, and the parameters about the bicycle traffic were collected by the video experiments at the signalized intersection. 摘要首先对自行车的跟驰行为进行描述,并通过视频实验对信号交叉口自行车流的相关参数进行采集和分析。
- Sun Feng.Study on principles of operation on protected left-turn phase at signalized intersection[D].Changchun:College of Transportation,Jilin University,2006. [6]孙锋.;信号控制交叉口左转专用相位设置依据研究[D]
- The design of signalized intersection microscopic simulation software is in order to optimize signal timing. 设计了信号交叉口微观仿真软件来实现信号配时优化设计。
- Yang Xiao-guang.Traffic delay model of left-turn flow on signalized intersection with straight-going priority[J].Journal of Tongji University,1998,26(3):284-289. [3]杨晓光.;直行优先信号控制交叉口左转交通流延误模型[J]
- Abstract The bicycle following behavior was described firstly, and the parameters about the bicycle traffic were collected by the video experiments at the signalized intersection. 摘要 首先对自行车的跟驰行为进行描述,并通过视频实验对信号交叉口自行车流的相关参数进行采集和分析。
- Zhuang Yan,Zeng Wen-jia.Study of traffic delay model at signalized intersection[J].Journal of Shenzhen University Science and Engineering,2006,23(4):309-313. [4]庄焰;曾文佳.;信号交叉口延误计算模型研究[J]
- The primary step includes discharging mode design, signal design and channelization design of signalized intersection. 主要包括信号交叉口放行方法设计、渠化设计和信号优化设计。
- This study presents a new idea and methods to the signal design, especially the bicycle phase setting, at the signalized intersection. 该研究为信号交叉口的信号设计,特别是非机动车专用信号相位的设置、分析和研究提供了新思路和新方法。
- This model is capable of predicting the queue length at the saturate signalized intersection, and its prediction result is strongly adaptive and in accord with the practical traffic flow condition. 该模型可以实现对饱和信号交叉口排队长度的预测,预测结果具有较强的自适应性,更符合交通流的实际运行状况。
- Addition, the right-turning vehicles and the pedestrian flow taking effect on the model are also in considered.The model reflects the real operation of bicycle on signalized intersection. 同时论文提出的模型也充分考虑了右转车辆的影响以及行人的干扰,较为真实地反映了信号交叉口自行车的运行状态。
- The queue length prediction model of saturated signalized intersection established by predicting the real time traffic flow of single lane, which on the basis of deterministic queuing theory. 通过采用自适应指数平滑法,对进口车道的实时流量进行预测,建立以定数排队理论为基础的排队长度预测模型。
- This paper focuses on the lead queued vehicle on a single approach of signalized intersection and presents a Lead Queued Vehicle Determination Algorithm on the basis of real-time detector data. 摘要以信号控制交叉口的单条进口车道为研究对象,设计了一种基于实时检测数据的排队头车搜索算法。
- Winai Raksuntorn. A Study to Examine Bicycle Behavior and to develop a Micro simulation for Mixed Traffic at Signalized Intersections. 吴建平,黄玲,赵坚利.;北京市道路信号交叉口自行车和行人的行为研究