- signal separation filter 信号分离滤波器
- Blind signal separation (BSS) is a new powerful technique in modern signal processing. 盲分离(Blind signal separation,BSS)技术是现代信号处理领域中一个崭新的研究方向。
- A new method of blind signal separation was provided to achieve FECG (Fetal ECG) detection. 本文提出了用盲信号分离提取胎儿心电的方法。
- A multi-channel acoustic echo suppression model(MCAESM) via second-order blind signal separation(BSS) is proposed. 本文提出了一个基于二阶盲信号分离的多路声回波抑制模型。
- The coalescence &separation filter core, targeting at low viscosity oils, is highly efficient to dewater according to the difference of different material's surface tension. 针对低粘度油液的特殊配比的聚结分离滤芯,根据介质表面张力的不同进行细化分离,脱水效率高,脱水能力强。
- As a branch of BSP, Blind source separation, or source signal separation (BSS), has also become a powerful tool in the areas of signal an. 盲源分离是一个很独特的盲信号分析与处理工具,在机械设备状态监测与故障诊断领域有较好的应用前景。
- Indeterminacies in amplitude and permutation are the two main cumbersome aspects in frequency domain blind signal separation. 排序和幅度不一致性是信号频域盲源分离的主要困难。
- Indeterminacies in amplitude and permutation are the two main cumbersome aspects for blind signal separation in frequency domain. 摘要排序和幅度不一致性是在频域进行信号盲源分离的主要困难。
- A vertical bar also separates filtering options. 竖线还用于分隔筛选选项。
- At last, the experiment results made in semi-anechoic chamber demonstrate that the wave superposition method is available in mixture signal separation. 实验结果验证模型与算法的可行性。
- Theoretical analysis and simulation results demonstrate that this algorithm may improve the adaptability of ICA effectively and perform blind signal separation accurately. 理论分析和仿真计算结果证实了其可以有效地提高ICA的自适应性,更准确地完成盲信号分离。
- Blinding Signal Separation (BSS) method, however, can greatly reduce the errors to the separation results, caused by the signal propagation model and receiving arrays. 采用盲信号分离方法,本质上可以大大减少传输模型误差和阵列误差对分离结果的影响,有利于提高精度。
- Having a separate filter allows users to customize their filter respose, which can be done with one of our own DSPs or with a gate array. 采用单独的滤波器则便于用户定制滤波器响应,这可通过我们的DSP或通过门阵列完成。
- EMD is used here as a signal separation tool to separate the tow ship noise from the received signal. 本文尝试利用经验模式分解方法分离出水听器接收信号中的拖船干扰噪声,从而达到消除干扰的目的。
- telegraph-telephone separation filter 报话分隔滤波器
- This paper takes BSS(blind signal separation) method based on SOS(second order statistics) to se-parate the radio fuze signals. 采用二阶盲辨识方法对无线电引信信号进行分离。
- quantitative separation filter for pyrogens 定量分离致热原过滤器
- At the receiving terminal, demultiplexing of the broadband signal separates and recovers the original channels. 如其他媒体、网站或个人从本网下载使用,必须保留本网注明的“稿件来源”,并自负版权等法律责任。
- The LINC transmitter contains a signal separator (SCS), two power amplifiers, and a combiner. 采用LINC技术的发射器包含了一个信号分离器,两个功率放大器,以及一个功率合成器。
- constant resistance separation filter 恒阻分波器