facial hair that has grown down the side of a man's face in front of the ears (especially when the rest of the beard is shaved off)
用作名词 (n.)
Denisov, with streaks of grey in his curly hair, moustaches, and whiskers, wearing his general's coat unbuttoned, sat beside Countess Marya. 杰尼索夫鬈曲的头发和络腮胡子都已花白,他敞开将军服,坐在玛丽亚伯爵夫人身旁。
They are considered as the best choice for short-term and long-term companionship for women.On the contrary, men with no beard or with whiskers are most unappealing to women. 他们被视为女性短期和长期伴侣的最佳选择,而刮净胡子和蓄有络腮胡子的男性被评为最不招女性喜欢的人群。
Gradually, I became used to seeing the gentleman with the black whiskers. 慢慢地,我对于那个有黑连鬓胡子的绅士也看惯了。