- seismic borehole tomography 井中地震层析成象
- The data acquisition system (ob-servation system, ground seismic source and borehole seismic detector) and processing methods (ray tracing proc-essing and tomography imaging) are discussed. 数据采集从震源和检波器两个方面优化,选用激发能量强、频率高、成本低、效率高的震源,以及灵敏度高、抗噪能力好的检波器;
- Point bars modeled in a North Texas gas field on the basis of borehole and seismic images. 根据钻孔和地震图像建立的德克萨斯州北部某气田中的曲流沙坝模型。
- The quality of seismic data varies tremendously. 地震资料的质量变化巨大。
- Finally, the synthetic seismogram is updated by iterating correlation with the seismic traces nearby borehole. 实际资料的试处理验证了所用方法和算法的有效性。
- Most materials have different seismic properties. 大多数物质都具有不同的地震的特性。
- P-wave AVO, especially azimuthal AVO, converted-wave AVO of borehole, VSP, and crosswell seismic are sensitive to fractures. 纵波的AVO属性,尤其是方位AVO属性、井孔或VSP和井间地震的转换波属性,对检测裂缝发育程度具有较好的敏感性。
- Secondly, extract seismic wavelet from borehole side seismic trace by cestrum method to get wavelet spectrum in frequency domain. (2)对时间域的井旁道记录利用同态反褶积方法提取地震子波,得到频率域的子波谱;
- By far,it cann't obviate seismic possibility. 到目前为止;还不能排除地震的可能性.
- High fidelity virbroseis seismic data acquisition. 可控震源高保真地震数据采集方法。
- Seismic analysis of reservoir evolution. 储层演化地震分析。
- Seismic trace inversion and attributes. 地震道反演和地震属性。
- Seismic wave field and seismic exploration II. 地震波场与地震勘探2。
- A detecting device that receives seismic impulses. 测震仪用来接受地震脉冲的探测装置。
- Brain computed tomography showed multiple metastasis of the brain. 黑色素细胞癌主要治疗方式为手术切除。
- The quality of borehole directly influences the effect of blasting. 钻孔质量的好坏,直接关系到爆破效果的优劣。
- A surface at which seismic wave velocities change. 不连续面间断面,地震波速度突变面
- SPS file format for land seismic exploration. 陆上地震勘探SPS文件格式
- Borehole fluid holdup defines what type of reinvasion occurs. 井内流体持率决定发生二次侵入的类型。
- Seismic wave AVO and formation lithology analysis. 地震波AVO与地层岩性分析