- The learner of a second language has many obstacles to overcome. 第二语言学习者有许多障碍要克服。
- second language culture 二语文化
- It is important to master a second language. 掌握第二语言是很重要的。
- Barbara Morgan Photography is my second language. 摄影是我的第二语言。
- Teaching English as a Second Language (M.A. 教英语作为第二语言(文学士)
- What's your second language in addition to Chinese? 除了汉语以外,你的第二语言是什么?
- "ESL"(English as a Second Language). 英语作为第二语言的课程。
- Photography is my second language. 摄影是我的第二语言。
- Mastering a second language requires a lot of work. 熟练掌握第二门语言需要大量学习。
- Language culture is very necessary to the people working in foreign companies. 对于在外企工作的人来说,语言训练很有必要。
- The learner of a second language have many obstacle to overcome. 第二语言学习者有许多障碍要克服。
- English is spoken as a second language in many parts of India. 英语在印度的很多地区被作为第二语言使用。
- Language and culture can't be divided,teaching Chinese as a second language(TCSL) is not only a teaching of language but also a teaching of culture. 语言和文化密不可分,对外汉语教学既是语言教学也是文化教学。
- Vivian Cook: Second Language Learning and Language Teaching. 第二语言习得;课程设计。
- This paper summarizes that researches made by Japanese academia on the language culture of Tu minority lives in Chinese Gan-Qing area. 摘要本文综述了日本学术界对我国甘青地区土族语言文化的研究情况。
- An equal number of people learn English as a second language. 有相同数量的人把英语当作第二语言来学。
- This has reflected the alternation of the dominant position from "language culture" to "visual culture". 而这种转化正体现了两种文化范式,即语言文化与视觉文化主导地位的交替。
- Mastering a second language takes time and patience. 掌握一门外语需要时间和耐心。
- The typical case that sees vulgar language culture represents the United States western bull-puncher is OK dug reason. 看一下粗话文化的典型代表美国西部牛仔就可以探究原因。
- As an English major, I must learn a second language. 作为英语系学生,我必须再学一门外语。