- Sealing effect of ChemFil on the access opening. ChemFil封闭髓腔入口效果的研究
- To enhance the sealing effect and improve the quality of products. 为了加强二极管的焊接效果,提高产品质量。
- This use of grease lubrication of the bearing has a sealing effect. 这对使用脂润滑的轴承具有一定的密封效果。
- The sealing effect can be enhanced by filling the seal cavities with grease. 如在密封空隙中充填滑脂,可提高密封效果。
- Short and narrow packing chamber improves sealing effectiveness. 又短又窄的填料腔改善了密封性能。
- Application shows that the reformed seal has rational structure, small frictional resistance and good sealing effect. 几个月的试运行证明,改造后的密封结构合理,摩擦阻力小,密封效果好。
- Bearing caps in the car out of the pass-hole annular trough, grease-filled tank, can improve the sealing effect. 在轴承盖的通孔内车出环形槽,槽中填充润滑脂,可以提高密封的效果。
- Objective To investigate the apical sealing effect of resinifying agent with Gutta Percha Points. 摘要目的探讨塑化液与牙胶尖联合根充的根尖封闭效果。
- The results showed that the seal effect was assurable if the seal ring was designed by standard of GB150. 有限元结果表明:封口直径为2 230 mm的双锥结构参照GB150进行设计,其密封性能能够得到保证。
- It is clear that screw-sleeve type screw seal not only can obtain sealability as screw-shaft type screw seal, but also can improve sealing effect. 分析表明,螺套式螺旋密封不仅能获得与螺杆式螺旋密封相同的封液能力,而且还可以改善密封效果。
- It uses anchor claw spacing design to reach double functions: stabilizing pipe string and grappling pipe string and to raise sealing effect of packer. 采用锚爪限位设计,达到扶正管柱及锚定管柱的双作用,使封隔器密封效果大大提高。
- Unique inductive board and cooling system of transistor sealing equipment ensue the safe, efficient production and the excellent sealing effect. 晶体管封口装置独到的感应板及冷却系统使得安全高效,封口效果极佳。
- In a breakthrough for tapping head design,this machine provides extremely secure sealing effect,outstanding tape smoothening performance,without tape slipping problems. 突破传统贴带之设计,封箱密合,胶带扶平效果优良,决不跳带。
- The seal of the window may be net proper after its long time usage, the good seal effect may be restored only by twist the lock point adjustment screws. 窗扇经长期使用,可能局部位置密封欠佳,只要轻轻拧动锁点调节螺丝,即可恢复良好的密封效果。
- U-shape gland seal system can bring persistance and good seal effect, so the U-shape gland device has been used in the insulating joint products wildly. 该密封系统能起到持久良好的密封效果,“U”型密封圈装置已经被广泛使用于绝缘接头产品中。
- Short and narrow packing chamber. Sealing effectiveness improves as overall packing length shortens. Chamber wall is burnished for superior finish. 又短又窄的填料腔。总的填料长度缩短改善了密封的有效性。腔壁具有相当的光洁度。
- Stem bearing to assure concentric stem rotation, allowing stem packing to provide maximum sealing effectiveness. 阀杆轴承保证同轴阀杆的旋转,使得阀杆填料具有最大的密封效果。
- Sealing effectiveness is thus unaffected by high temperature relaxation of materials and pressure cycles. 因此密封效果不会因为材料的高温松弛和压力循环而受影响。
- XM-230/80 rotary seal head is a rotary seal unit on wellhead, specialized for negative pressure and low pressure drilling, characterized by reliable sealing effect, ease of opration and safe service. XM-230/80型钻井旋转密封头是一种专用于负压、低压钻井的井口旋转密封装置,具有密封可靠、操作简单和防爆、安全等优点。
- SHORT AND NARROW PACKING CHAMBER Sealing effectiveness improves as overall packing length shortens. Chamber wall is burnished to a superior finish. 又短又窄的填料腔密封有效性随着整个填料长度的缩短而有所改善。腔壁经过抛光,具有极高的抛光度。