- A stuffed or pasteboard figure used as a target. 人像靶,人形靶填充或用硬纸板制的人形靶
- How does thd referee score a bout? 场比赛裁判怎样给分。
- How does the referee score a bout? 一场比赛裁判怎样给分。
- The idea would be to bring everything into readiness by a target date. 这个想法是在一个预定日期之前将一切准备就绪。
- They watched the football player score a goal. 他们看到足球运动员踢进了一个球。
- We try to score a goal next time! 我们争取下次进个球!
- But its notoriety has made it a target. 但它的恶名也使其成为众矢之的。
- He have score a great success with his new play. 他的那出新戏获得了极大的成功。
- How does the batter score a home run? 击球员击出什么样的球才叫本垒打?
- The small central circle on a target. 靶心靶子上中间最小的圆环
- He averages to score a goal half of the time. 平均每两个球有一个球是他进的。
- I had a target in mind for the first year. 第一年我心目中有个指标。
- They finally cracked the defence and scored a goal. 他们终於突破了防守,射进一球。
- A target vulnerable to sweeping gunfire. 易受纵射的目标
- England scored a total of 436 runs. 英格兰板球队获总分436分。
- They set a target for production. 他们为生产制定了一个指标。
- He has scored a great success with his new play. 他的那出新戏获得了极大的成功。
- By late 1961, we had a target date. 到了1961年年底,我们订了一个完成日期。
- To align(a gun, for example)with a target. 瞄准把(枪枝)的准星与目标对齐
- I was out front, a target of opportunity. 我却站在第一线,是个最合适的靶子。