- This article introduced several procedures of producting sauced pettitoes, including pickling, cooking, flavor treating and their influence factors. 主要介绍了酱猪蹄生产中的腌制、煮制、调味等几道工序及其影响因素,通过试验提出了酱猪蹄加工工艺的改进方法。
- Keywords sauced pettitoes;processing;technology; 酱猪蹄;加工;工艺;
- sauced pettitoes 酱猪蹄
- The chicken was sauced in a fresh herb dressing. 鸡肉采用新鲜的香草佐料进行调味。
- She sauced the beef with pepper. 她用胡椒给牛肉调味。
- German salted pettitoes was a kind of westen-style cooked food. 德国咸猪手是一种西式菜肴。
- Always for my supper, only a little sauced meat and porridge were served. 于是,松散的脚步合上匆忙的节拍,茫然的情绪顿时变得激昂起来,原来忙碌的感觉也能如此美好。
- We use traditional method and flavor to make our pettitoes,and now you don't have to travel so far to have such kind of sunket. 现在您不用亲自到万峦便可以享受到这样美味的料理,您一定不可以错过这样难得的机会。
- By standardizing the producing process of sauced pig-foreleg, the quality of the products can be therefore assured. 使酱猪肘生产过程规范化,保证了产品的质量。
- The radiation technology for killing microbe on convenient dish of sauced pig elbow were studied. 研究一种酱汁猪肘方便菜辐照杀菌工艺。
- A perfect partner to duck (try it with Peking Duck), turkey, lamb, richly sauced pasta or grilled salmon. 与鸭肉是绝好搭配(试与北京烤鸭搭配),与熏火鸡,味浓的意粉或烤三文鱼搭配亦十分美味。
- The cucumbers which did not return g reen in the experiment were made into sauced or sour and sweet cucumber. 并把不能复绿的原料加工成酱香黄瓜和糖醋黄瓜。
- Studies on the Radiation Technology for Killing Microbe on Convenient Dish of Sauced Pig Elbow[J]. 引用该论文 王克勤;彭伟正;陈静萍;李文革;邓钢桥;彭玲.
- In Beijing, Shanghai, or Sichuan province, fish is most likely pan-fried, heavily sauced, or buried in a broth of chilies. 在北京,上海或四川省,鱼多半是在平底锅里炸过,调味重,或是淋上了一层红辣椒汤。
- A full-bodied,round,soft and generous red wine with strong spicy character,Drink with red meat,game,pasta,rice and strongly sauced dishes. 酒体丰厚,口感圆润柔顺,果香浓郁带强烈辛香味。与红肉、野味、意大利粉及味浓菜肴共享,无以尚之。
- It will match perfectly with an eastern Tajine, a rib of beef on a grill, and also with sauced meals of French farmer tradition. Cuvee Orience可谓是玫瑰园的顶级酒款,在适当的储存条件下完全经的起时间的考验,他既能搭配传统的法国烤牛肉,又能够烘托出东方美食的精髓,称得上是“东西合壁”的经典佳作。
- All type of red meats, poultry, caviare, smoked, grilled and roasted and strong sauced dishes, Chinese cuisine.Very good with most cheeses. 此陈酿红酒是家禽,红肉,鱼子酱,烟熏和烘烤类,香辣菜肴和奶酪的最佳佐餐酒。
- Application Mainly used in foods like instant-noodls,biscuits,baked food,canned-doods,desserts and chlili sauced meat and sea products cosmetics and high-grade animal feeds. 用途:主要用于方便面、饼干、烘烤食品、罐头、糕点、辣酱肉等食品、水产品、化妆品和高级饲料等领域。
- I raised my head up to look at the sunshine outside with a smile, and printed one and one little sole with my hand and many pettitoes with my finger, that looked like your lovely footprint. 我抬头笑着望窗外的阳光,用掌缘在霜冻的车窗上印出一个一个小脚掌,用手指在上面点上一个一个脚趾,看上去就像你可爱的脚印。
- Small pieces of banana increase heat, very ripe kiwi fruit copy alone newly, look for half pure strawberry that talent find, ultra sweet a person of pineapple slice one, there are red cherry , several black grape and strong sauced mango stock of papaya. 小块香蕉增加热量,刚刚熟透猕猴桃一人份,找了半天才找到的纯草莓,超甜菠萝片一人份,还有红樱桃和几个黑加仑果外加一小碗超浓的木瓜酱芒果原汁。