- The presence of a large density of contaminant causes anomalous increases in the diode current with increasing reverse bias. 大量沾污也会使二级管电流随反向偏压的增加而呈现反常的增大。
- One measure of the quality of a diode is its leakage current at a specified reverse bias voltage. 衡量二极管质量的一个方面就是在规定的反向偏置电压下的泄漏电流。
- reverse biased diode 反向偏压二极管
- This condition, known as reverse bias, is not conducive to current flow through the junction. 这种叫做反向偏置的状态不利于电流穿越结。
- The photo-current was found to closely follow the eletro-absorption at large reverse bias values. 在很大的反向偏压下,光电流紧随着电吸收发生变化。
- D1 is a protection diode that prevents the be junction of Q2 from be reverse biased. 如果仅仅是为了保护,完全可以在Q2发射极串联一个二极管代替,
- During IGBT is off, the gate should be provided reverse bias voltage for ensuring the safe of IGBT. 在IGBT关断期间,IGBT的栅极需加反向偏置电压,避免IGBT的误动作。
- The gain of the APD can be controlled by the magnitude of the reverse bias voltage. APD的增益可以由反向偏置电压的幅度来控制。反向偏置电压越大增益就越高。
- What's not so well known is that some ordinary NPN transistors such as the 2N2222, 2N3904 and 2N4401 exhibit negative resistance when reversed biased. 但是,却很少有人知道,一些普通的NPN三极管,如2N2222、2N3904 和 2N4401,在反向偏置时也表现出负阻特性。
- The displacement current mechanism is operative only for capacitors under reverse bias or very weak forward bias conditions which maintain a space-charge layer. 位移电流的机理只对反向偏压或要维持空间电荷层所需要的非常弱的正向偏压条件下的电容器才有用。
- The silicon light emitting device also can be used as a photoreceiver under reverse bias, receiving the light emitted from the other one. 此发光元件在反偏下也可当成光接收元件,接收来自同结构顺偏元件所发出的光。
- The committee is of a/has a conservative bias. 委员会有一种保守的偏见。
- The currents of the detectors at no bias voltage and reverse bias voltage of 2V were obtained when they were illuminated by light beams of 362nm and 368nm scanning across the active region of the detectors, respectively. 分别用362nm和368nm光束对有源区进行横向扫描,得到了光照不同部位时探测器在无偏压、2V反向偏压下的电流。
- He reversed the coin and examined it carefully. 他把硬币倒过来,仔细检查。
- Husband and wife have reversed roles. 丈夫和妻子互换了责任。
- For Au/Ge-Si02/p-Si andAu/Si-SiO,/p-Si structures, they emit EL peaked at 5lOnm when forward biaseswere greater than 6V and 6.5V, respectively, while no detectable lightemission can be observed under reverse bias. 对于Au/Ge-SiO_2/p-Si和Au/Si-SiO_2/p-Si结构,当所加正向偏压分别高于6V和6.;5V时都发出肉眼可见的EL,峰位均在510nm处; 在反向偏压下,没有光发出。
- The court reversed its decision. 法庭撤销了原来的判决。
- He reversed his car into the garage. 他把车子倒开进车库。
- He has a bias against Japanese products. 他讨厌日本的产品。
- His coat can be reversed when it begins to rain. 他的外衣下雨时能翻过来穿。