- The experiment results indic ate the effect is good. 小波变换[1]是传统傅立叶变换的继承和发展。
- The result indicates the rotary eddy direction in pool is certain. 结果表明,盆池涡旋转的方向是确定的:地球北半球出现的盆池涡旋转的方向为逆时针(俯视);
- Test result indicates the advantage of genetic algorithm. 试验结果证实了采用遗传算法求解全局优化问题的优越性
- The result indicates that the weatherability of CHDA was superior to IPA resin. 结果表明:CHDA的耐候性能显著优于IPA。
- The result indicated that the inventory change can originate herd behavior. 结论表明即便在一维不确定性下,交易者之间存货的变化可能引起羊群效应。
- The test result indicates that the system meets the requirement of servo test. 测试结果表明,系统能够满足对伺服机构测试的需要;
- The result indicates that RSM turbulent model can give a well prediction. 计算结果证明,选用RSM (Reynolds Stress Model)湍流模型可以对旋流器流场进行较全面准确的数值预报。
- The result indicates that only at high baking temperature the TiO_2 can form . 结果表明:只有高火才能在短时间内达到TiO_2 的成型或转型温度。
- The results indicated that SVS was the best model. 分析结果发现以SVS作标准化后之结果最佳。
- The result indicates that CF is si-mular with GF in binding with PMMA matrix. 研究结果表明,碳纤维与玻璃纤维和PMMA基体粘接的界面状态类似。
- Experimental results indicate that both reac... 高温焙烧即可使催化剂再生。
- The result indicates that VES production function has many good natures. 论证结果表明:VES生产函数是一种具有诸多优良性质的生产函数。
- Result indicates that textbooks authored on this system are scientific. 实验证明,采用该系统编著的教材更加符合科学规范。
- The result indicates that the helix slot pipe is suitable for water. 结果表明,对于水宜选择螺旋槽的强化传热方式。
- Stationary wavelet transform and the mask of image were used to reduce truncation artifacts, and the experimental results indic... 采用平稳小波变换和图像模板技术消除图像截断伪影及噪声,可有效地提高图像质量。
- The result indicated that IAA oxidase is not a direct ethyleneinduced enzyme. 推测IAA氧化酶不是乙烯直接诱导的酶。
- The results indic cated that Black Currant leaves were rich in many nutritive elements such as protein, amino acids and ascorbic acid which would be of great value in utilization. 结果表明,黑穗醋栗叶片含有丰富的蛋白质、氨基酸和抗坏血酸等营养素,很有利用价值。
- This paper is presented to analyze the variation tendency of air sulphation rate pollution in Urumqi,based on the data of its nineyear air monitoring The study results indic... 提出削减污染源,加快清洁能源推广步伐,完善城市规划,进行产业结构调整,改善城市布局是解决乌鲁木齐市大气污染的有效途径。
- The result indicates: initial CCN has great influence on convectional precipitation. 模拟结果表明:初始CCN对对流性降水影响较大。
- The result indicate that the pomegranate husk contains 6.65% of flavonoids and sediment contains 2.04% of flavonoids. 结果表明,石榴皮中总黄酮含量为6.;65%25,石榴渣中总黄酮含量为2