- residue class module 剩余类模
- largest residue class module 最大剩余类模
- Unlike a class module, a standard module is not part of a form or report. 与类模块不同,标准模块不是窗体或报表的组成部分。
- Add the following declaration code below the other declarations at the top of the class module. 在类模块开头的其他声明之下添加如下声明代码。
- Class, you must first create a test project and add a reference to the class module. 类,必须首先创建一个测试项目并添加对类模块的引用。
- You can scroll up or down to view any other procedures that are in the same class module. 您可以向上或向下滚动来查看同一个类模块中的任何其他过程。
- In this paper, by using the residue class ring of polynomial ring and the diagonalization of matrixa a fast algorithm for the inverse of r-circular matrices is derived. 单位:华南理工大学应用数学系广东广州510640;华南农业大学理学院广东广州510640;
- That isn't associated with a form or report, in the Database window, click Class Module on the Insert menu. ,请在“数据库”窗口中单击“插入”菜单上的“类模块”。
- Enhancment of the VB Collection Object - This class module is a good example of a user-defined collection class. 这个类模块是一个很好的用户定义的集合类的示例。
- When setting the Number property to your own error code in a class module, you add your error code number to the vbObjectError constant. 当在类模块中将Number属性设置为您自己的错误代码时,将错误代码号添加到vbObjectError常数。
- Open the Installer class module in the Code Editor and replace the text "servername. Service" with the value that you copied in the previous step. 在代码编辑器中打开Installer类模块;将文本“servername.;service”替换为您在前一步中复制的值。
- This paper defines an operation on the rational points of conic curves C_n(a,b) over the residue class ring Z_n. This operation is called addtion forces C_n(a,b) into a finite abelian group. 通过对Zn上圆锥曲线Cn(a;b)定义加法运算;证明了Zn上的圆锥曲线Cn(a;b)在所定义的加法运算下构成一个有限交换群.
- This class module wraps all the complicated functionality involved in using ini files. You can read/write entire sections of the INI file at once. 这个类模块封装了所有涉及处理INI文件的复杂的功能。你可以一次读写整个INI文件的分段。
- Class for Easy INI File handling - This class module wraps all the complicated functionality involved in using ini files. 这个类模块封装了所有涉及处理INI文件的复杂的功能。
- multiplicative group of residue class 剩余类乘法群
- idempotent over polynomial residue class ring 多项式剩余类环
- This is not meant to be a game this is only an example on how to use class modules to shuffle a deck. 这并不意味着要创建一个游戏,它仅是一个示例,演示了如何使用类模块来混洗一副纸牌。
- This may be a security risk because user forms and class modules may contain potentially unsafe macros. 由于用户窗体和类模块中可能包含可能不安全的宏,因此可能存在安全风险。
- The residue of estate belongs to his son. 剩余财产属于他的儿子。
- Previous versions of Visual Basic recognize two types of modules: class modules (. Cls files) and standard modules (. Bas files). 以前版本的Visual Basic识别两种类型的模块:类模块(.;cls文件)和标准模块(