- Reprints of any article in BMJ can be ordered from the article page, by selecting the request permissions link from the menu to the left of an article. 在BMJ的任何文章的重印本能从文章页被订,由选择权限从在一篇文章左边的菜单连接的请求。
- Request permission(clearance) to taxi out. 请求滑出许可。
- Request permission to use R/W03 for cockpit check(run up engines). 请求允许用03号跑道作座舱检查(试车)。
- Bumblebee: I request permission to stay with the boy. 大黄蜂:我请求您允许我和这个男孩待在一起。
- Request permission for touch and go, we'll attempt to jar the wheel down. 请求允许连续起飞,我们试图将轮子震动放下。
- Requesting permissions increases the likelihood that your code will run properly if it is allowed to execute. 如果允许代码执行,则请求权限可增加代码正常运行的可能性。
- Requesting permissions is the way you let the runtime know what your code needs to be allowed to do. 请求权限是您让运行库知道需要允许代码执行哪些操作的方法。
- Tact must be used in requesting permission. 征求同意,应注意方式方法。
- In SNA, a data flow control command that is used to request permission to start a bracket. 系统网络体系结构(sna)中的一种数据流控制命令,用以请求允许开始一次按类通信。
- If you are free to go,Mother will write your mother to request permission from the authorities of your school. 如果你有时间去,我母亲就写信给你母亲,让她征得你们校方的同意。
- Request permission to divert20 miles right of track to avoid the thunderstorm( build-ups). 请求向航迹右面改20海里避开雷雨。
- A visa permits a foreign citizen to travel to the United States and request permission to enter the country. 签证允许外国公民来到美国,请求进入这个国家。
- If you are free to go, Mother will write your mother to request permission from the authorities of your school. 如果你有时间去,我母亲就写信给你母亲,让她征得你们校方的同意。
- After the 3rd gun is blown, Lt Spiers and his team appear and request permission to take out the 4th gun! 温特斯将炮3和炮4搞掂,伤亡惨重(废柴呀。。。)他将自己的机枪组布置在堑壕中对抗德军的支援部队,并掩护自己的小强们突击
- She requested permission to film at the White House. 她申请准予在白宫拍摄。
- "Cadet Lynn, requesting permission to speak to the general, sir. 她开口说:“林士官生请求与将军谈话。”
- Depending on security policies in your organization, you might need to request permission in advance to send e-mail from a corporate SMTP server. 根据您单位的安全策略,您可能需要在通过公司的SMTP服务器发送电子邮件之前请求权限。
- Your request will be dealt with in due course. 你的要求将在适当时机予以处理。
- If youre not sure, contact the author and request permission to publish their article whether it be on your web site or in your e-zine. 如果不确定版权,需要联系作者,询问是否可以在网站或电子书籍中发表这篇文章。
- For R&D purpose, We, Company/ I, , would like to request permission to enter the Incubation Center of the Genomic Research Center, Academia Sinica.. 本公司/本人,基于研发之目的,拟申请进驻贵中心,祈请惠允为盼。