- A regional conflict would erupt into violent warfare. 地区性冲突会演变成一场大战。
- Regional conflicts have erupted one after another. 地区冲突此起彼伏
- Medvedev indicated that recently demonstrated in Georgia's fight, the regional conflict incautiously will promote will be a war. 梅德韦杰夫表示,最近在格鲁吉亚的战斗显示,地区冲突一不小心就会提升为战争。
- The Mumbai attacks, blamed on terrorist groups based in Pakistan and bringing calls for punitive military action, have revived fears of regional conflict. 基地位于巴基斯坦的恐怖主义者对此次孟买袭击事件负责,这将带来惩罚性的军事行动,该地区局部冲突的噩梦已经死灰复燃。
- The regional conflicts became a critical threat to the world peace. 地区冲突严重威胁着世界和平。
- Salim Salim says regional conflicts are undermining all progress. 萨利姆说,地区冲突破坏了所有的进展。
- Another possibility, all too real in this era of nuclear proliferation, is that a superpower confrontation could be touched off by a first use of nuclear weapons in a regional conflict, into which the superpowers would then be dragged. 另一种可能性在核扩散的当代也是十分现实的,即完全可以由于首先在一场区域性争执中使用了核武器,从而把超级大国卷了进去,触发了超级大国之间的对抗。
- Increased local and regional conflict, humanitarian disasters, environmental deterioration, economic pressures and social change all call for a global effort in their solution, since they are problems which cross the borders of individual states. 地方及区域冲突、人道主义灾难、环境恶化、经济压力和社会变革,都已加剧,需要通过全球努力加以解决,因为这些问题跨越国界。
- Even though Chechnya could not hope to win its secessionist war against Moscow, Dudayev warned that continued fighting might well draw neighboring republics into a wider regional conflict. 尽管车臣共和国不敢奢望在脱离俄国的战争上打赢-色男清女-莫斯科,但杜达耶夫警告说,若战争持续下去,有可能把临近的共和国也卷入,变成更大范围的区域冲突。
- On Administrative Regional Conflict Rules 刍议行政区域冲突规范
- People are still plagued by regional conflicts, environmental degradation and transnational crimes, among others. 地区冲突、环境恶化、国际犯罪等问题依然困扰着人们;
- Regional conflicts, environmental degradation and terrorist crimes are plaguing the people of the world. 地区冲突、环境恶化和恐怖犯罪困扰着全球人民。
- inter - regional conflict of laws 区际法律冲突
- inter- regional conflict of laws 区际法律冲突
- For a time in the post-cold war period,regional conflicts were still frequent,even showing a trend of escalation. 冷战后的一个时期,地区冲突频仍,并呈上升趋势。
- People are still plagued by regional conflicts,environmental degradation and transnational crimes,among others. 地区冲突、环境恶化、国际犯罪等问题依然困扰着人们;
- People are still plagued by such problems as regional conflicts, environmental degradation and transnational crimes. 地区冲突、环境恶化、国际犯罪等问题依然困扰着人们;
- But the persistence of regional conflicts has made the continent a fertile market for arms sales. 然而,这块大陆由于区域性冲突连绵不断,也成了军火销售的大好市
- For a time in the post-cold war period, regional conflicts were still frequent, even showing a trend of escalation. 冷战后的一个时期,地区冲突频仍,并呈上升趋势。
- Furthermore, civil war or regional conflicts also cause disruption, driving people out of rural areas. 此外,内战或地区冲突也会造成动荡不安,驱使人们离开农村地区。