They had to accept the blue pencil of the censor. 他们不得不接受检查员的修改。
Instead of combating the Linux and open-software "movement," Microsoft can now target established companies, such as Red Hat, Novell or MySQL. 但是,开源软件自由的取得软件,允许修改源代码的模式尚未对微软的产品产品造成颠覆性的影响,比如它的桌面软件。
You'll need a table right at hand to hold charts, red flashlight, eyepieces, notebook, pencil, and other gear. 素描星场不需要任何艺术天赋,但是通过素描一个天区,其中包含一个暗弱的小行星或是外行星,你可以通过检查几天或是几周前的素描来识别出这些天体的位置变化。
Pathological examination of the medial rectus muscle showed positive Congo red stain compatible with amyloidosis. 病理切片检查显示阳性刚果红染色反应。