- recovery of oil gas 油气回收
- Claus process has been widely used in recovery of sulfur from industrial off-gas (such as off-gas of oil refineries , depurating of natural gas and coking). 利用Claus工艺从工业废气(如石油炼制、天然气净化及焦化等)中回收硫磺已得到广泛的应用。
- Although the luffing very little of oil gas crop, but occupy reporter control.. 尽管油气产量的变幅微乎其微,但是据记者把握的...
- This is the initial work of the project of evaluation of mechanical recovery of oil spills. 通过机械方法回收溢出油液评价项目的初始化工作进行了研究。
- Enhancing oil recovery of oil reservoirs is the final goal for the oilfield deve lopment. 提高油藏采收率是油田开发工作的最终目的。
- The cause was injection of fluids into deep wells for waste disposal and secondary recovery of oil, and the use of reservoirs for water supplies. 人为引发地震的方式主要是因垃圾掩埋和二次采油而将液体注入深井;以及为了水供给的水库使用.
- It was pointed out to reduce the reliance on the energy of oil gas,seek and develop the energy substitutes was very important. 指出在全球原油储量趋于减少的未来,减少对油气能源的依赖,寻求开发能源替代品的重要性。
- The distribution of interlayer in the injected reservoir has some influence on the distribution and migration of oil and water and controls the ultimate recovery of reservoir. 隔夹层和其他因素共同作用可使厚油层出现多段水淹、强水淹段与未动用段共存的状态。
- The structure combining mirror-plate pump and airproof can effectively prevent the release of oil and oil gas during operation. 镜板泵与气密封结构能有效地防止运行时的油及油气逸出。
- Th woman was delighted at the recovery of her stolen jewels. 那位妇人对找回被盗的珠宝感到非常高兴。
- Volcanics in Santanghu basin stretches widely with large thickness, where several layers with oil gas indication have occurrence of oil patch or oil trace. 三塘湖盆地火山岩的分布广、厚度大,油气显示层数,含油产状多为油斑、油迹。
- A quick recovery of the cotton market is generally expected. 人们大都认为棉花市场将迅速恢复。
- In the test and research of oil gas water horizontal pipeline flow, for the convenience of online scaling of flowmeters, a more precise flow autocontrol system is designed. 在油气水三相水平管流的试验研究中,为便于流量计的在线标定,设计了一种更精确的流量自动调节系统。
- On the basis of equation analysis and engineering practice, some similarity criterions for physical simulation of oil recovery of reservoir by means of electrical heating are deduced. 根据方程分析法,结合工程判断,导出了一套电加热油藏采油物理模拟相似准则。
- The price of oil has suddenly rocketed up. 石油价格突然飞涨。
- A lot has been done in the recovery of national economy in the past few years. 在过去的几年中我们为了国民经济的恢复做了大量的工作。
- Kazakhstan has a wealth of oil and gas. 哈萨克斯坦有着丰富的石油和天然气资源。
- The average residence time of oil gases in the disengager is also shortened by adding an unique device for gas withdrawl. 采用特殊设计的气体引出方式,大大缩短了油气在沉降器内的平均停留时间。
- The country has abundant supplies of oil. 这个国家的石油供应充裕。
- The recovery of TGP was 98.2%,and RSD =2.7%. 平均回收率为 98 2%25 ,RSD =2 7%25 (n =5 )。