- Besides,the unascertained rational numbers module is introduced to calculate the concrete rebound value,which can set as an example when in the similar data processing situation. 同时提出了用未确知有理数模型进行回弹结果综合计算的模型,可为回弹法数据处理提供有效的参考。
- The compressive strength and rebound date of stone chip concrete have good correlation. By means of a lot of tests, we establish a formula for forecasting the strength of stone chip concrete according to the rebound value. 根据石屑混凝土立方体抗压强度与回弹值具有较好的相关性特点,经过大量试验,较好地建立了由回弹值推定石屑混凝土强度的公式。
- The common logarithms of rebound values and carbonation depth values are chosen as the inputs of the model. 将回弹值的常用对数和碳化深度值作为模型的输入,钻芯值的常用对数作为模型的输出。
- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕减损那个花瓶的价值。
- I set a high value on his advice. 我认为他的忠告很有价值。
- A collision followed by a rebound. 撞击弹回撞击一下再弹开
- The value of your assistance is inestimable. 阁下鼎立相助之功不可胜言。
- She quarrelled with Paul and then married Peter on the rebound. 她和保罗争吵后愤而嫁给了彼得。
- I am doubtful about the value of your proposal. 我怀疑你的提议是否有价值。
- I can take nothing you say at face value. 我不会把你说的话当真的。
- The experience gained will be of great value to us. 所取得的经验对我们有很大价值。
- A bauble is a showy ornament of little value. 廉价珠宝是华而不实的装饰品。
- His courageous words took his depressed supporters on the rebound. 他的言词颇有胆量,鼓舞了那些本已垂头丧气的支持者。
- Stamps can be redeemed at face value. 印花可以按面值换回现金。
- He puts a high value on integrity. 他对正直的评价很高。
- The goods were bid up far beyond their real value. 这些货物的价格被炒得远远超过了它们的实际价值。
- Last year's exports exceeded imports in value. 去年的出口价值超过进口。
- Light will rebound from a shiny surface. 光遇到发亮的表面会反射回来。
- Stocks generally lowered in value. 股票普遍下跌。
- The table d'hote menu offers good value. 定餐菜单上列出的都很实惠。