- The plane climbed until it was clear of the clouds. 飞机爬升穿出了云层。
- The flier is flying a new-type jet plane on trial. 飞行员正在驾驶一架新式喷气机作试验飞行。
- Do you send the goods per rail, or per plane? 你送这个商品是通过铁路还是飞机?
- It's cheaper to ship goods by road than by rail. 公路运输比铁路运输便宜。
- The landscape unrolled under the speeding plane. 大自然的景色展现在快速飞行的飞机之下。
- Mary would rather travel by train than by plane. 玛丽宁可乘火车而不愿乘飞机旅行。
- The plane stop over in Lyons on the way to Paris. 这架去巴黎的飞机在里昂中途停留。
- Are you going to America by boat or by plane? 你到美国是坐船还是坐飞机?
- The plane taxied along the tarmac. 飞机沿跑道滑行。
- The coal will be shipped by rail. 这些煤将用火车装运。
- If you are under 26 you can buy cheap rail tickets. 未满26岁者可购买廉价火车票。
- At the news of the plane crash she turned pale. 听到飞机失事的消息她的脸都吓白了。
- John is repairing his model plane at his leisure. 约翰不慌不忙地修理着他的航模。
- The local rail service (was) discontinued in 1958. 当地的铁路运输在1958年中断了。
- The plane homed in on the radio beacon. 飞机遵循导航台信号降落。
- The goods have been consigned (to you) by rail. 货物已交由铁路发运(给贵方).
- A plane is gone to order from France. 从法国去订购一架飞机。
- The plane taxied/was taxiing along the runway. 飞机在跑道上滑行。
- Smoking is forbidden until the plane is airborne. 飞机升空时禁止吸烟。
- They planned to highjack a plane. 他们计划劫持一架飞机。