The purveyor rised the price of the products. 供应商提高了商品的价格。
The purveyor suggested that I start to write my own decorating diary. 包工头建议我也开始写自己的装修日记。
You might say he was a purveyor of stolen property. 你可以说他是被盗财产的经手人。
Disney, the world's foremost purveyor of wholesome entertainment, lent it money and agreed to market and distribute its films. 世界最大全年龄观赏电影发行商迪斯尼公司决定借钱给梦工厂并且包下梦工厂电影的营销和发行工作。
U.S.Undersecretary of State, Josette Shine, says the Internet is the greatest purveyor of news and information in history, and a nightmare for censors. 美国次国务卿夏纳说,网际网路是历史上传播新闻和资讯的最伟大工具,也是新闻检查当局的恶梦。
The Misses Vetch, purveyors of dairy products, will shut the shop.
出自: R. Frame
A stylish romanticism, which later purveyors of the genre..never surpassed.